My Vegan Experiment with Hungry Root (and Today’s Workout)

Happy Thursday evening! I hope you all have had an amazing week!

I have mixed feelings about today because tomorrow is my day off from my “real” (9-5 corporate) job, but I have to work 12 hours at my side job (a local radio station). While I love the people I work with…ya girl could use a day off.

But it’s been a great week! We have a huge project going on at work and it’s progressing smoothly, so no complaints here, though it has made for some full days. For these types of  busy busy weeks, I’m so freaking thankful for meal delivery services. Two weeks ago I tried Hello Fresh and, though I didn’t document any of it, I really liked it. My sorority sister told me about Hungry Root, the vegan version, and I happily hopped on that train. I’m trying one different meal delivery service per week (pro tip: you can get a discount code on every meal delivery service if you scour the internet before committing. That’s why I’m trying so many heh).

My first day of Hungry Root started with some delicious banana bread overnight oats. In order to make them true overnight oats, you have to mix in yogurt which I didn’t have SO I just prepared them with normal hot water. YOU GUYS they tasted like freaking banana bread and it was so good! I’m all about breakfast on the go, too, so being able to just take the container to work and add some hot water before I sat at my desk is very ideal.

For lunch, I chose the edamame and roasted corn salad. The little manual that comes with the Hungry Root delivery suggested I mix it with the quinoa/roasted red pepper sauce cup. I packed them both for my work day and, when lunch time rolled around, decided to first try each package individually before I committed to mixing them together. They were both delicious. The edamame salad had a hint of really subtle white vinegar and the red pepper quinoa cup was like freaking spaghetti or something. So I mixed them and somehow each component got even better. Holy freaking cow.

My last meal of the day was my least favorite, but still not a total miss. I decided to have my sweet barbecue chili jack fruit over cauliflower rice. I’ve never had jack fruit before, but it seriously looked just like pulled pork when I was cooking it, so that’s just what I had in mind when I dug in. The actual jack fruit itself didn’t have much flavor that I could detect but the sauce was a good, moderately (maybe mildly, I’m kind of a wimp) spicy barbecue that redeemed the whole dish. I didn’t season the cauliflower because I wanted to have a true sense of what it all tasted like without any enhancements. Next time, I’ll add some garlic salt or something.

So I’ll give breakfast and lunch 5 out of 5 stars and dinner 3.5. Not bad, but not something I desperately need the recipe for.

AND NOW on to today’s workout. I did another instructor-led fitness class at lunch (every Tuesday and Thursday!) which was great. We did the following:

  • Superset! Repeat 3 times
    • Arnold press (20 seconds)
    • Goblet Squat (20 seconds)
  • Cardio intervals: 30 seconds at brisk walking speed, 30 seconds and fast jog/sprint depending on your comfort level
  • Superset! Repeat 3 times
    • Figure 8 with dumbell (20 seconds)
    • 10 Pushups
  • Cardio intervals: 30 seconds at brisk walking speed, 30 seconds and fast jog/sprint depending on your comfort level
  • Superset! Repeat 3 times
    • Single arm dumbell chest press (20 seconds)
    • Side lunges (20 seconds)

And that’s a wrap on my 30 minute lunch break workout! I’m about to head to the gym now to do some cardio.

Leave me a comment about what your favorite meal delivery service is and use my referral code right here to get $30 in free stuff! Woop!

Noooow I’m off to get my sweat on and celebrate Thirsty Thursday. Cheers!

Hey Guys – I’m Back! (And Tonight’s Delicious, Healthy Dinner + Workout)

Good evening y’all! A couple of months back, I decided to switch from WordPress to Blogger. It wasn’t an especially well-thought-out decision but I had been really enjoying drafting at work and, for some reason, WordPress wasn’t loading on my work computer.

So I switched and have ever since regretted my decision.

Just kidding but only kind of 😉 I guess I felt like I didn’t connect with as many people as I do with the WordPress Reader, so I’m back. I missed you guys.

I’ll be back with more, better blogs but for now take a look at my dinner!


Tonight I had Trader Joe’s carrot “noodles” with their organic marinara sauce and jalapeno chicken sausage mixed with some chopped red peppers and white mushroom sausage. I had some coconut lime kombucha on the side. Delicious.

Today’s workout was a quick lunch time one (instructor-led) and went something like this:

  • 6×20 seconds of Bicep Curls with 20 seconds rest between each set
  • 6×20 seconds of Goblet Squats with 20 seconds rest between each set
  • Treadmill intervals – 30 seconds at a high jogging pace, 30 seconds at a brisk walking pace x3
  • 6×20 seconds Chest Press with 20 seconds rest in between
  • 6×20 seconds skater squats (jumping with 180 degree rotation) with 20 seconds rest in between
  • 3×20 seconds High plank with alternating elbow -> knee touches and YOU GUESSED IT 20 seconds rest between each set.

Did you sweat today?! I’m planning to get in some cardio tonight, as well. The treadmill is my favorite place to read my book *nerd emoji*

Hey, what books are you guys reading? I’m on The Woman in the Window or something like that. I’m probably 25 pages in and can’t quite get into it but it was on the Peak Picks table at the library so it has to pick up pace soon, right??

Peace out!